Monday, November 05, 2012

Gavin 5 months

Somewhere in the middle of October, Gavin hit five months! He actually had a well-visit at the doctors too, so I have his "stats"!  At five months, Gavin is:

16 pounds, 8 ounces (50th percentile)
27 inches (90th percentile)
and has a smallish head, in the 25th percentile. 

Over the past month, Gavin:

Found his feet!
Sort of started trying to blow rasperries
Can sit unassisted here and there - and loves it!

Is starting to get around with a purpose, either by rolling or scootching.
Also gets stuck in places definitely NOT on purpose, by rolling and scootching.
Loves his exer-saucer!  The pig is his buddy, but he has fun with all the toys.
Is such a good sport - about everything.  He just loves to be included

even when that means he's wearing a tutu and fairy wings!

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