Monday, February 11, 2013


Gavin and I had our respective eight-month and three-year check-ups on Thursday.  We are both super healthy!!  And cute.  Obviously.  At eight (and a half) months old, Gavin is 28 1/2 inches tall (50th percentile), 19 pounds 6 ounces (50th percentile) with a 44.5 cm head (40th percentile).  Gavin says "See! I'm not really that enormous after all!"  Which is true - he's getting lean from all the furniture cruising.  He is still eating like it's going out of style, a style I never quite understood.

At three years old, I am three feet tall, and weigh 27 pounds 6 ounces - somewhere around the 20th percentile for both!  I'm petite in size, but not in spirit!  Gavin and I both got shots.  We both cried.

The next day, I got to skip my nap to go to the dentist with Mommy!  Gavin's mouse that I stole My mouse, Belle, came with me for moral support. 

I opened up very wide so the dentist could check my teeth!  I wasn't sure why she needed a pokey thing to count them, but I really liked when she put sparkle on my teeth (polish).  I absolutely abhorred (Mom says hate is a bad word) the fluoride - that lady only got the very front teeth very slightly painted with that stuff before we all called it a day!  The great news is that she says I'm brushing very well, and didn't have any plaque on my teeth!  I have seen some of those plaques Daddy gets at work as awards - I can't imagine having any of those on my teeth!

Saturday, our friends Emily and Andrew visited from Charlottesville.  We went out to eat and had a grand time.  I even got to have a ginger ale!!  Gavin ate (and loved) refried beans.  I ate (and sort of loved) a quesadilla. 

On Sunday, I went over to Audrey's house to help her ring in the big 0-3!  She had a Super Why party, and we got to make masks and search for letters!  The cupcakes were delish.

Keep brushing your teeth, friends!  Have a great week.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Princess Super Kitty Laura

Hi everyone!  It's been a very long time since I blogged, what with my mom and brother bogarting the internet and everything.  I turned THREE!  I know my mom told you about it, but it was pretty fantastic.  I got so many presents!  I'd like some more, in case you were wondering.

Last week at school, we read a really fun book called Princess Super Kitty.  We made crowns and everything!  I added that crown to my growing collection of crowns, and love wearing it.  So I was wearing my Super Princess Kitty crown when I found the most amazing story - a whole book filled with pictures of jewels!  I asked my mom, "How do we get the jewels off [the pages]?" and "Where are the crowns??"  I was disappointed that the Tiffany's catalogue is just for looking at, and there aren't any crowns.  Oh well.  I still enjoy looking at the pictures!

On Friday, I went with Grandma (and Gavin, oh well) to see Aunt Liz and Nico!  Gavin and Nico needed baths, so I hopped in too.  We had a grand old time!

Gavin also enjoyed riding Nico's rocking horse.

Saturday, Mom and Dad met us in Philly so we could all go out to dinner for Pop-pop's birthday.  Happy birthday, Pop-pop!  I enjoyed the chocolate milk they served alongside the Hibachi chicken I chose not to eat.

Sunday was the Super Bowl!  I'm not sure why it was called that, since my mom just had a very small bowl of chips out.  Anyway, my friends J, C, D & S came over with their moms and dads for a ton of food, some silly commercials, a little football, and some fabulous halftime dancing (by me).  It was a lot of fun!  I think our town's team won, because there were a lot of fire crackers after I went to bed.  I picked out a fancy dress to wear for the evening, because I wanted "to be beautiful for Jackson."  Mom almost didn't let me wear the dress, but then figured why not!

Not the most exciting blog post, but at least you get to hear from me!  My mom would like to add that she was so busy watching Gavin's two bottom teeth come in, she didn't even see the rogue tooth up top!  Three teeth for Gav, but still no hair!