Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Nate and I are multi-taskers to the max. We managed to visit two sets of friends on ONE trip to Virginia! We drove down Saturday around Noon to see Chad, Amy and Owen plus Chris, Anita and Jackson for lunch. The weather wasn't great, but who needs weather when there are yummy sandwiches and great friends?! Owen is hilarious, and Jackson is just precious. I had trouble sharing Jackson with the others... Makes me even more excited to meet Laura in a few months! Anita was going through some of Owen's old clothes, and I was pleased to see a few cute neutral outfits which I grabbed. Laura's closet is starting to look pleasantly full.

After lunch, Nate and I drove slightly north to meet up with Ben, Julie and Caroline at the Crystal City Sports Club. Nate's team didn't play too well, but it was fun to watch it with friends. Caroline is soooo cute! Banging her toys and chewing on everything. Nate tried to "warn" me that Laura will be just like that, and I can't wait!

Isn't it funny how your relationship with friends changes so much with kids? I truly look forward to seeing the other moms and playing with their babies.

Plus, it was so great that we could see everyone all in one day! The traffic wasn't even too bad!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Visitors from Down East

Alas, there are no pictures to document our weekend. Not one. Seeing as I never remember to bring the camera, I blame Nate!

At any rate, we did indeed have a fantastic weekend. Parke and Sarah drove all the way from Maine with their two pups, Scout and Jenny. Ries was ecstatic. Two friends to play with! Parke and Sarah arrived just in time for hors d'oeuvres Friday night. The four of us were joined by our good friends Chris and Anita and their new baby, plus Chris's parents for some steaks! Nate did all the cooking, and it was a fantastic dinner.

Cutest thing? Seeing Ries with the baby. She was absolutely in love with him. This bodes well for her future little sister!

Saturday, Sarah and I did a little shopping. The boys watched a little football. Then we all went to the O's game that evening. The O's, sadly, did not fare well against the Red Sox. But I guess that meant our guests were pleased with the outcome. We did get to see quite a few homeruns, and thankfully it was not a boring game!

Sunday, Parke and Sarah (and the pups) had to head back up to Maine. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast at Paper Moon Diner, and then it was time to say goodbye. Nate and I are so happy that Parke and Sarah were able (and willing!) to drive all the way from Maine to see us. We have the best family!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Homework and House Work

Although these two terms sound very much them same, they are not. Homework is what I did all weekend. I read, and read, and read some more. I read until I wasn't sure what I was reading! All of this reading, or homework, is for school. I'm up to my ears in reading this semester, and am just thrilled about it.

House work is what Nate and I did this weekend. Continued house work, that is. The baby's room is almost entirely empty now! There are a few things left to put elsewhere, but I am just not sure where that elsewhere is.

In the meantime, here is a picture of the beautiful fabric my mom found to decorate our little girl's room. I love it and can't wait to see everything my mom makes with it!!
Isn't my mom awesome?

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Make way for baby!

Nate and I made great strides towards babyfying the house this weekend. The office/guest room is completely set up! Which means the baby's room is getting closer to empty. It will be ready for a crib, changing table, and rocking chair soon! Far sooner, I hope, than the baby...

Here are a few pictures of the office/guest room!
From the door:

From the bed: We still have some picture moving and hanging to do, but this was a major accomplishment! We even cleaned out and organized the desk. Things are actually filed!

This weekend, while still not over (yay holiday!), we also got to meet a very handsome little boy. Our dear friends, Chris and Anita, welcomed Jackson into the world on Thursday. He is absolutely precious, and I am so happy for them! Holding Jackson made me even more excited to meet our little girl in a few months! I am happy to wait to meet her, trust me, but so excited!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Meet Laura!

She's already beautiful! You can also tell from this profile shot that she already has her daddy's cherubic chin and cheeks! We are very happy that she's healthy and growing at just the right pace. And as excited as we are to meet her, we are definitely willing to wait a few more months!