Friday, July 01, 2011

June Recap

June 2011:
  • Laura is really starting to talk.  She says "peas" and "thass" very regularly when asking for things.  Sometimes she even says "dat oooh!" for thank you.  She's also still whining to try to get things without actually asking, but we're getting better about forcing her to use real words.  She has also become very fond of the word "no."
  • Laura says "bub-boh" for bubbles, and often asks us to blow some for her since she can't quite work the wand. 
  • Laura is still cheers-ing us often (cheeyaz!) and also says "chee!" to smile at a camera. 
  • Laura loves talking on the phone.  Complete with hand gestures.
  • She uses similar hand gestures when reading books.  The gestures are killing us!  Super cute.
  • Laura recently made herself a chair out of waffle blocks.  Seriously.  She found a platform already assembled, and then asked us to add a bigger block as a back.  She carries the "chair" all over the family room, sitting strategically to watch tv, read to her Lamb and Baby, or talk on the phone.

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