Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend at Grandma's!

I'm not sure where my mom, dad or puppy were this weekend.  All I know is that they missed all the fun!  I was at Grandma and Grandpa's all weekend, playing in the pool and going to the zoo with Aunt Liz and Uncle Aaron.  I love the water, and was quite happy to spend the whole weekend working on my doggy paddle.
I'm a water baby, for sure!
My mom was suddenly at Grandma's house when we got back from a baby shower Sunday afternoon.  Still not much explanation of where she had been or how she got to Grandma's house... but I hear she was with my favorite Mandy in NYC playing dress-up!  I can't imagine why I wasn't invited.
My favorite Mandy!
Mom, Mandy and Aunt Betsy were looking for "The Dress," which is silly.  There are millions of dresses out there - I must have twenty in my closet alone!  So why they were looking for THE dress instead of A dress is beyond me.  Grown-ups are beyond silly.  But I hear they had fun, even though the search for THE dress is still on!

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