Friday, August 26, 2011

Words With Friends (and Toddlers)

Laura's mom here, to give a brief update on the word explosion in our house!  There must have been vocabulary in the air on the Cape, because Laura has taken off at repeating (and remembering) new words.  For a while, she has known that Riesling is a Dog (her first real word), and she would sometimes repeat the name, "Ries" (said as "Eese), but mostly just called the poor thing "Dog."  After spending the week with two dogs, Laura has really started to understand the concept of names.  Both are dogs, but hers is "Ries" (with the R in front!) and the small fiesty one is "PiPPEEEE!" 

Following the name concept, she spent all week calling her Grammy "Ammy."  Which is adorable and made my mother pleased as punch.  Grampy, as yet, does not have a name.  Laura had a little trouble pronouncing Taylor, Torie and Julia, but definitely made some attempts.  She came closest with "Dare" for Taylor - and she adores her Uncle Taylor!  Laura has also, on a related note, named her best lamb "Bah."  Fitting.

It seems that everyday she is repeating a new word.  You can see the gears turning in her head, as she mulls over a word and then practices the sound on her tongue.  Sometimes she gets the word right on the first try.  Other times, she'll say the word with her own personal style before she gets it the way she likes.  She will always repeat a request for us until we decipher what she's asking.  When we guess correctly, her face lights up and she says, "YESH!" and nods her little head. 

Laura is even starting to string words together.  Most noteably, "whats dat?" as she points to something.  She also says "app-el-juice" with equal emphasis on each syllable.  And the other day as I was carrying her in an odd (and uncomfortable) fashion, she shouted "NO GOT!" over and over in response to me saying "I've got you, I've got you."  This is one smart cookie we are dealing with! 

And according to her check-up yesterday, she is perfectly healthy.  I knew that already.

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