Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cape Escape

Boy, do I have a lot to blog about!  A week ago, my mom and dad were running around the house all frantic.  Bags were piled up at the door.  Mom was yelling about things she didn't want to forget.  Ries was running around so she wouldn't be forgotten.  I was eating some hastily prepared dinner while wearing my jammies.  That should have been my first clue that something was up.  And then they shoved me in the car with Riesling.  Ries was excited to be in the car; I was irate.  This car ride was seriously cutting into my playtime.  So I might have been a little whiney.  Which might have caused my parents to stop driving in Delaware.  Where we might have picked up a fellow traveler of the cicada variety in the backseat of the car.  Which might have caused Ries to freak out.  Oops!

Once we got the cicada out of the (moving) car, I fell asleep and slept for a long, long time.  When I woke up, we were at a strange, foggy house in the middle of the night - and my Grammy, Grampy and Aunt Torie were all there to see me!  Confused?  Yes I was.  But very excited! 

We spent the whole next week playing at Grammy and Grampy's house.  We went to the Band Concert:
We cooked and ate and ate and cooked:
We played at the beach, and splashed in the water, and dug in the sand:

We watched the fish come in at the fish pier:

Down they go!  Down the chute!
At least four seals bobbing by the pier

We also did a whole lot of other fun stuff, BUT my mom's camera is broken so there is NO documentation whatsoever!  I mean, it's been a welcome break from the papparazzi, but still.  I had a blast playing with Grammy, Grampy, Super Grammy, Aunt Torie, Uncle Taylor, Julia, Riesling and Pippi.  I mean I had A BLAST.  I can't wait to get back to the Cape!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for the update. I think you need your own camera so you don't have to rely on irresponsible parents to keep a working camera at the ready. It's never to early!