Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Big Man Himself!

Mom and Dad invited all our friends over for our annual Christmas party this past weekend.  I got to wear the most beautiful party dress (thank you, Grammy!), and loved twirling and spinning in it.  I also got to climb up on the table to steal cookies.  The gingermen were my favorite!

I had a great time playing with my friends who were able to join the party: Jackson, Jackson, and Julia - and all their sisters!  Gavin was the biggest of the babies, so they weren't too interesting for me.  I was happy enough to have a few of my friends to run around with. 


I got to sit on his lap and tell him - in person! - about the Doctor Kit I would really, really, really like for Christmas.  We were all so excited to see him!  Julia gave Santa a huge hug and asked for a Baby Cinderella Doll (good choice, Julia).  School Jackson was all smiles for Santa and asked for some new trains.  ChrisAnita Jackson was a little shy near Santa, and didn't want to sit on his lap, but I think he was still quietly excited to see the Big Man in person. 

We finished out the night with some dancing, as always.  Oh what fun!  Merry BadBash to all!

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