Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gingerman Houses

I darted past my teacher yesterday morning: I had something important to tell my mom, and I had almost forgotten!  I had my pointer finger out, so my mom would know I needed her to wait just one more minute before she left to go to work.  I had a great idea, and she needed to hear it!

Mom!  Houses tonight!
Gingerman houses!
Let's make gingerman houses tonight!
(Mom's are always a little slow on the uptake, aren't they?)

Mom must have agreed that my idea was particularly inspired, because when we got home last night she got out some ice cream cones, a can of frosting, my Halloween candy that I've been saving for a special occasion, some pretzel sticks, and a few Pepperidge Farm gingermen for good measure.

I added my frosting very carefully.

And tried a lick, to make sure it was good. 

It was very tasty.

I added some candy decoration (and ate some of that, too).

Then I showed my gingerman house off to Gavin.  He also wanted to eat some of the candy, but he's too little.  More for me!  (PS - little brothers are SO grabby!)

I had such a great time!  Don't you just love my gingerman house?

*My mom would like to thank Pinterest for providing a little "(p)inspiration" and the idea of using ice cream cones for gingerbread houses.  The little house we made of graham crackers, um, collapsed under the weight of all the frosting pretty quickly.  The ice ceam cones were so much more mom- and preschooler-friendly!  We hope you have fun making Christmas crafts this year, too!

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