Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ayuh, Been to Maine

My mom tells me this was a bumper sticker on the water heater of the outdoor shower in Brewster for a long time.  I don't know what any of that means, except that it's some sort of New England-y way of saying "Been there, done that."  I wouldn't know, since I'm only a toddler and I'm a Marylander through and through.  That said, we flew to Maine this weekend to visit Uncle Parke and Aunt Sarah!  Here is our weekend in pictures:

Uncle Parke has the best dogs in Maine!

Me and Jenny!
Don't listen to her, we are BFF's.

There are slides in Maine!

Shoulder ride with Uncle Parke
Asleep in The Bob (aka best stroller ever)
during our three-mile hike.

Oh no! The John Deere-o-saurus is eating Uncle Parke!

MaryAnne the Steam Shovel
(for Grammy)

My new BFF, Norman. 
Just before he knocked me over.
Although it is not pictured above, we also spent a lot of time eating cake, chasing dogs, napping, reading and playing in the pool.  It was a fantastic weekend!

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