Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Christmas Again!

Christmas Part Two: BadFam style!  So after a brief visit home, we went to Grandma and Poppa's house for MORE CHRISTMAS!!  Mom really failed with taking pictures, so I have very little to work with here.  Maybe other people took more pictures, but who knows. 

The house was filled to the brim with people and presents!  Even Aunt Kathy and Uncle Joe were there.  And just when I thought I couldn't have more people I loved in one family room, Chris, Anita, Jackson and Coraline showed up!!  Grandma's house was on their way from Massachusetts to West Virginia, so they stopped to say hi!! 

Nico fell asleep in the midst of the pandemonium, wearing Gav's polar bear hat.
 The rat pack.
 Gavin doesn't like it when I pin him down hug him.
 Snow!!  Baby Bear tried on his new snowsuit, while Mommy Bear wore the polar bear hat.
 Teddy bear angels!
Um, that's it for the pictures Mom took.  But we had a great weekend!  Poppa cooked all the food - and it was delicious!  Including a $150 prime rib that he got for $90 because the grocery store forgot his order and made him wait ten minutes!!!!!!  I am a picky eater, and even I love prime rib!  (I did not eat the mashed potatoes).  Mom had a really fun night hanging out with my aunts and uncles, while Daddy caught up on some sleep from being so sick.  Gavin only tried to steal Nico's hair eighty bajillion times.  I made sure everyone was healthy with my doctor kit and Disney Princess outfits.

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