Thursday, August 02, 2012

Cape Cod: Week One

On July 5th, Mom packed up the van, buckled me and Gavin into our seats, got Riesling settled int he back, and headed north to Cape Cod.  We drove a long time, stopped here and there, spent a few hours with friends in CT, drove some more, and finally made it!  It was a loooong ride, but I kept the mood light, while pretending we were in a space ship!  We all wore helmets so we could be safe. 
Here are a few photographic highlights from our first week on the Cape:
 Visiting Super Grammy

Gavin doing the YMCA at the Chatham Band Concert!
I love my belly button one

All three cousins!

I love donuts

Helping Grammy "gard"

Sliding with Bimpy

Cousin Bit

Gavin (far right) with our two third cousins!
Brewster Beach

We had so much fun, I need a few posts for all the pictures!

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