Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

After Mommy and Paul came home from Seattle, we went to Grandma's house!  It was a long weekend, filled with sunshine.  We spent every minute in the pool, and had swim lessons from Daddy.  Gavin was great at blowing bubbles and kicking.  Paul wasn't too sure about the five minutes he spent in the water.  But I was swimming like a little duck!  By the end of the weekend, I was kicking strong enough and pulling hard enough with my hands that I could swim with just a kickboard or a noodle under my arms!  The Mini Cooper Grandma and Grandpa gave us for Easter also got a lot of use.  And we had a really fun time playing with our two cousins!!  Here are the pictures:

1 comment:

Ana said...

I love when these updates start coming through! Laurita is such a little beauty and is reminding me more and more of you. And, omg, your little girl is so big! Also, Gavin and Paul are twins, only Paul came out later. <3