Monday, February 11, 2013


Gavin and I had our respective eight-month and three-year check-ups on Thursday.  We are both super healthy!!  And cute.  Obviously.  At eight (and a half) months old, Gavin is 28 1/2 inches tall (50th percentile), 19 pounds 6 ounces (50th percentile) with a 44.5 cm head (40th percentile).  Gavin says "See! I'm not really that enormous after all!"  Which is true - he's getting lean from all the furniture cruising.  He is still eating like it's going out of style, a style I never quite understood.

At three years old, I am three feet tall, and weigh 27 pounds 6 ounces - somewhere around the 20th percentile for both!  I'm petite in size, but not in spirit!  Gavin and I both got shots.  We both cried.

The next day, I got to skip my nap to go to the dentist with Mommy!  Gavin's mouse that I stole My mouse, Belle, came with me for moral support. 

I opened up very wide so the dentist could check my teeth!  I wasn't sure why she needed a pokey thing to count them, but I really liked when she put sparkle on my teeth (polish).  I absolutely abhorred (Mom says hate is a bad word) the fluoride - that lady only got the very front teeth very slightly painted with that stuff before we all called it a day!  The great news is that she says I'm brushing very well, and didn't have any plaque on my teeth!  I have seen some of those plaques Daddy gets at work as awards - I can't imagine having any of those on my teeth!

Saturday, our friends Emily and Andrew visited from Charlottesville.  We went out to eat and had a grand time.  I even got to have a ginger ale!!  Gavin ate (and loved) refried beans.  I ate (and sort of loved) a quesadilla. 

On Sunday, I went over to Audrey's house to help her ring in the big 0-3!  She had a Super Why party, and we got to make masks and search for letters!  The cupcakes were delish.

Keep brushing your teeth, friends!  Have a great week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy to see you both are in great shape ! Good job on the dentist Laura.
Take care of you guys !