Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Two Weeks!

Two weeks! How can Laura already be two weeks old?! She already seems so much more grown up than she was a mere two weeks ago. For instance:
Laura can hold her head up!
She has a real belly button! (an innie, thank goodness!)
She is crying real tears! (pathetically cute for the moment)
She is looking around!
She's been getting bored! (but is, alas, still too little to shake any toys)
I am torn between wanting her to stay so little, and excited to see what her personality will be. So far we have had a very serious baby on our hands. Alertly & suspiciously, Laura tries to figure out the world around her. "What on earth is that huge furry thing that keeps sniffing my head?" seems to be a common question in her big, dark eyes.

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