Friday, November 19, 2010

Hi ho! Hi Ho!

It's off to work we go!

Grammy and I went to work with Mommy yesterday.  We are seasoned commuters, and knew everything about riding the train.  When we got to work, Grammy and I did a little paperwork.  Those hippos go absolutely berserk if you don't read them now and then.  I have to keep them in line.
After we got the paperwork out of the way, it was time to file.  I am an organizational genius.
All that filing was exhausting, so I took some inspiration from my good friend, George Costanza, and took a nap under a desk.  It was very restful.
After a lovely nap and some lunch, I took Mom and Grammy over to the National Gallery to see the current exhibition of Arcimboldo paintings.  Anyone who plays with their food in the name of art is pretty awesome in my book.  Arcimboldo was the 16th century master of playing with food!  We worked up an apetite walking through the beautiful exhibit, so I treated Mom and Grammy to some gelato.  I had a few bites too, but I'm trying to watch my girlish figure.
After our trip to the Gallery, it was time to head back home.  This is a picture of me riding the rails.  I'm really good at this work stuff!

1 comment:

Anne said...

CUTE! She does look like an excellent organizer...there could be registrarial work in her future.